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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Monday, April 16, 2007

    switched my blog to
    please go there instead :]
    won't be updating this blog anymore.
    that one is freaking plain.
    the template is freaking pissing me off because its not CO-OPERATING.
    and i found such a NICE dongbangshinki skin too...
    freaking new blogspot. CO-OPERATE!
    ahaha, shitshit. haven't done my literature. BYE!(:
    please go to that blog instead, yah?!

    the beauty exposed ;

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007

    GAH! We have camp tomorrow. Which I am not looking forward to at ALL!... today was absolutely retarded... we got the class tees, the front has a pair of lips, designed by Jillian and Cheryl, and the back says 2PR07 - PERFECT WITH P.O.I.S.E, also done by Jillian and Cheryl. Which was darn funny; because below 2PR07 there are words that say " If you can read this, you're too close" So we went around, made people stand at a distance, and we said, " No, we're too close" and we would be idiots as usual and laugh. The badminton match was so... interesting. The rivalry was REALLY strong between SC and Raffles, and the minute we stepped into the stadium and we cheered, the bunch of RGS girls' began booing. But you know; some people said they sound like men during their cheer-- their voices are so low and blah blah. HAHAAH! Even Mrs Low made fun of them at assembly. I quote what she said " I heard RGS is sending 2 busloads of people, but we're sending a whole level of supporters." She's so funny in a weird way. But I kinda like her. She seems youthful. Not that Miss Heng wasn't, its just that she's ... different. AHAHA!

    Siew Jia + Melissa Tham + Trisha sabo-ed me... they said, "OK, lets all cheer, 1, 2, 3!..." and silence. And I screamed alone. So everybody laughed. But I laughed too, cause I thought it was really funny...but SC lost in the end. I saw some of the badminton players sitting around the hallways after school, and I saw this Sec 4 girl comforting a Sec 3 player who looked like she was going to cry.

    It was Melissa's last day at SC, ... she's going back to Australia on Saturday... so we all hugged her, and she was gonna cry, and Grace the big eyed dodo bird said " Don't cry, I'll cry too." Its so sad... she's leaving already... but I can still talk to her on MSN. And I am totally converting this blog from a pessimistic suicidal-sounding entry area to a happier one that at least TALKS about normal events that occur everyday. But I don't want it to sound like a totally crap-filled blog that talks about... uhm, ... you know, ... sissy stuff.

    Jang Ri In's birthday's tomorrow... 28th of February, which happens to be the same day my birthday is on. So technically, when she was 3 years old, I was born. HAHAHA! :] I heard she stayed in Singapore for around 6 months [ according to SOMEBODY WHO SITS BEHIND ME, its near a year. WTF. ]. I wonder if I saw her... I wish I did. But then I wouldn't have recognised her back then. :] But; what saddens me is...

    SHE'LL SPEND HER BIRTHDAY reading fan letters and recieving presents and spending time with other SM Entertainment artistes like DBSK! OR SUPER JUNIOR! .... T____T While I, the poor 14 year old all the way in Singapore... in some Serimbun campsite... will be sticking poles into dirt and pitching a tent. Can life be anymore unfair? I think not.

    Word of the week;
    = Grace's new version of Takopachi / Takoyaki.

    WTF! :]

    BTW: I switched from MySpace to Friendster. MySpace has too many Americans. Not that I mind, but its boring. Plus I had nobody to talk to. >_<

    the beauty exposed ;

    Sunday, February 04, 2007

    Uhh,.. lemme do a summary of what happened in January... JANUARY SUCKED! It sucked beyond belief.
    I have 6 top frustrated moments.

    Six frustrated moments.
    Missing the JYP Auditions.
    Missing the JYP Talent Scouts.
    Missing the first SG Asterian meeting.
    When some people annoyed me for days on end in class.
    When the chest pains re-occurred over and over.

    Then again, I also have good moments; such as... ...
    Getting to be with my friends
    Talking in big convos. with the Asteria people.
    Getting my gigantic multiple prezzie Korean birthday gift.
    Laughing with my idiot friends.
    Talking to my friends about K-Pop; especially topics about DBSK, Super Junior, and so on...

    GAH! They don't like SS501. I know a couple of people who like [b]xing[/b], but very few people I know like SS501. WHY!? I LOVE SS501! They're so sexy! Oops. Yeah. Especially my two pillows, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyun Joong. X)

    I know Yunho's fallen sick again. And two days before his birthday. Isn't that sad...?

    ... Sigh... I wish some of my friends would NOT be so persistent in their annoying ways and actions. I'm not going to mention names, but some people I know, as entertaining as it is, just CANNOT be serious for a freaking moment, and that is ANNOYING. Would you guys, if you know who you are, please try to be slightly more serious?? Not TOTALLY irritating and harassing people all the time.

    What the heck. It has come to my attention that--
    ... Its so creepy... there are GHOSTS! And not just GHOSTS, heads of creepy girls... its not SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! I looked at the pictures just now. Its very scary, you know.

    In the pictures, you can see the heads of things from the other realm that are NOT meant to be in the picture. Like in the reflection in the black marble floor, and in a glass strip on the left side of Junsu oppa. Its very creepy.
    I do not wish to post pictures of ghosts in blog, so head over to secretbear's blog if you wanna check it out. Its in her post on the 2nd of Feb. Or something like that. Either that or go to AF Forum or Asteria.

    I know the scariest one, to me, is the picture beside Junsu oppa's head. Its of this girls' head. Its like, just her head. What makes it scary is that its like a girl with long black hair, away from her face, and you can see the features a little, but they aren't totally defined.. but she's got no eyes. Its like, black holes. It just gives me the chills. Its also the most defined "ghost". You can spot her immediately even in the original picture, and that's not even brightened. You can only see the other "creatures" in the brightened picture or the close up shots. Its FREAKING ME OUT!

    But I still AM anticipating the release of the Choosey Lover single. The previews alone are amazing, and the song has something like an 80s' theme, but its very catchy and very mysteriously sexy in a way. Everything's rather black, though. The album cover conveys an absolutely contrasting image from the one given in the audio preview or the MV preview.

    There are a couple of songs I'm listening to right now;

    Unlock { Heavy Metal Edition } - SS501
    In Your Hands - Xing
    In Your Hands - Xing { Kevin's Version }
    Sarang An He { 사랑 안해 }{ I won't love }- Baek Ji Young
    Girls On Top - BoA

    Yeah. I recommend these songs for the moment! (:
    Maaah; even though I'm a big K-Pop fan; I have NEVER listened to Shinhwa. I've never really considered them;... can anybody recommend any songs from them? Thank you! :D

    I remember how I was " crying " to Sansan unni about Sierra unni and her nice yet mean fic with her and Hankyung oppa... she made out with him! T__T That's depressing-- as I said before;
    She stole my FRIED RICE!
    Because! My house is very nice, cause I have my FISHIE { Donghae } ; my two PILLOWS { Park Jung Ming and Kim Hyun Joong } ; my ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM { Jaejoong }; my white teddy bear { Sung Hyung a.k.a Kevin from Xing }; and my BEIJING FRIED RICE, Hankyung. But she stole it! And she also wanted to take my entertainment system. On second thought, she already did. She's the MISTRESS of the Jae Harem! ><;;

    MAAAH, at least I have my fishie, my white teddy bear, and my two pillows; but I'll miss my entertainment system and my fried rice.


    the beauty exposed ;

    Friday, January 12, 2007

    You Are Lightning
    Beautiful yet dangerous
    People will stop and watch you when you appear
    Even though you're capable of random violence

    You are best known for: your power

    Your dominant state: performing

    Either way, this is the first post I've done since the new year began ^^ HAHA! ... got into 2 PR, absolutely WEIRD class, but very very entertaining... I wouldn't wish to be in a different class ^^
    I walked home in the rain today... got soaked ... and I'm still supposed to be SICK... sigh, its all Cassandra's fault! >.<>
    It was freaking cool...my style of writing has changed a lot... I'm going to write about a prisoner during the war for the Commonwealth Essay Competition. I just felt drawn to it... oops. I revealed my plot! *gasp*
    I'm being freaking lame...I wanna drink some Pepsi...

    Oh yes.
    I'm around 12 days late, but its now or never, ne?? ^^
    Either way, I wished most of you already... its only a handful I didn't quite get the time to give my wishes to xp
    I hope I can get my new phone tomorrow... my current phone... sucks, to put it in a nice way... the buttons are rusting at the side, probably because I SMS at weird places, the buttons can be pulled off, the keypad is NOT responding, they're typing the wrong things { for example, I press the [0] and it comes out as ABC or something along those lines }
    Doesn't that lightning thing suit me? Yes it does, ne???
    Not the beautiful part... but the dangerous part ^^
    And people do stare at me wherever I go...
    because I'm too noisy X)

    the beauty exposed ;

    Friday, December 15, 2006

    Today was the 15th of December, right? omgosh. Junsu's birthday~ Yay! Happy Birthday, Junsu oppa! Wooh. He's officially twenty, then. I don't want to be so old. You have to look at the teenagers and wish you could act just as silly xp So anyway, today I went to watch Midnight Sun with Yanny and Zi Ying [ idiot Yanny got the name wrong -.- She told me Midnight Sunshine. Veeeeery funny.] I had originally left the house at 9.20, and was smsing everybody on my phone since I decided I haven't sms-ed anybody for a long time...unless you count the one or two replies to Yumie or something. So...I went to J8...and I was going to get on the train...then this super annoying bunch of girls cut in front of me...and it was so humiliating...there was no space, cause they stole my space, and then I turned to head to the next door, and the fricking door closed on me. I didn't mind that, but the PEOPLE inside were staring at me, and I was about to swear already, but I couldn't do that alone, it would be even more embarassing... so I sat down and I felt bored so I decided to bug Zi Ying...who was only just getting ready... -.- After waiting an eternity...[ bloody hell, this is beginning to sound like a normal blog, weh, not good! xp ] the frickin' train came and I went to Orchard...and I called Zi Ying to bug her again ! (: She was getting fed up, of course...and I saw Yanny...so I hung up...then this blur queen told me I was 10 minutes late...and I was 10 minutes early...and she quickly changed the subject and talked about donating blood -.-
    >> skipping boring stuff <<
    So we went to McDonald's and Yanny was being a freeloader~ [ speaking of which, you guys owe me money for the movie tickets...let me think...do you owe me anything else..?...no...HOI! Come to think of it, you fakey buttfaces! If you could pay for the pretzels AND drinks, why couldn't you pay for your own movie tickets?! >.< ]...so we ate pancakes and we skipped all the way to Singapore Shopping Centre to look for Cool Zone [ I'm exaggerating. We were not skipping, obviously.]...which was freaking closed!!!! ...until 1pm. So we went to Taka first...then after looking for something...some pen nip thingy in Kino...we rushed to Cathay [ I'm exaggerating again ] and we bought tickets to the 1 pm show, and Yanny and Zi Ying, being freeloaders, forced poor Nicole to pay for them...and at first the ticket guy was like " You guys have to be at least 18 to watch this show " and he said it in a serious face, like he believed that we were 18, and that is not true, we DEFINITELY do not look like we're 18 [ especially me! bwahahaha *cough*] and I was silent, and Zi Ying went " Uh...." and the guy looked back down at the screen and said " Wait, you guys want to watch Midnight Sun..." and I was like, almost twitching, but of course, I do not twitch unless the situation calls for it, and the situation was not that desperate, and I am rambling , wtf, and we paid [ I freaking PAID!] for the tickets and we tried sitting down on the high chairs...but we gave up and we decided to head to Lvl 9 first instead of waiting there doing nothing...and I discovered a whole floor of computers...bwahaa...and there was this Frankenstein monster there...it was super big and scary...so the three of us were comtemplating on who to torture by sending them to walk in front of the machine...apparently, if you walk past the sensor, it will move, but the thing was freaking scary, we didn't dare...so Yanny bravely handed her bag to me, and after 5 minutes, she ran across the monster....
    ... but no movement. Our efforts were wasted. T_T

    We went back down to watch the movie...and there was nobody inside the cinema at all [ I highly recommend the movie. Its VERY good and VERY touching and VERY sad.] ...except for two girls...until the movie started, then some people came in, but total, including us, there were only 15 people...aw...but we watched the show...and its FRICKIN' DEPRESSING! Poor Kaoru died in the end T_T I'm spoiling the movie for one person out there who wishes to watch it as revenge. After heading back to the first floor, we spotted a Death Note replica. Wow. So all the way to Singapore Shopping Centre, we were discussing about who to kill off... and at that moment, I read Kristen's christmas letter to me...thank you Kristen, but not a very good idea, baka, because you wrote I like ugly guys, and it just so happens that Yanny likes the same guy, so good luck to you, you're going to be some roast monkey when school re-opens...btw, I know you ain't reading this, but thank you for the stuff...so pretty....stuff... *-*

    omg! Highlight of trip! Not really, the whole thing was FUN but this was just COOL. Cool Zone! OMG! Soooooooo much stuff! I pre-ordered the Super Junior Hanging Calender 2007 Version A. OMG! AMAZING! Wooohooooo....I bought the Orion biscuits DBSK was advertising, three photos, and a poster of DBK! Went away $ 36.90 poorer. What teh heck, it didn't matter, I was VERY VERY happy. After that, we grabbed some pretzels, did Zi Ying's SANA Quiz thingy, and went home~ WAHAHAHA!

    P. S I highly recommend the shop. Its ULTRA cool. (:

    the beauty exposed ;

    Wednesday, November 22, 2006

    Damn. I'm so sick of it. I honestly am. I'm exaggerating, but honestly, I want to be some where else. Somewhere where you can say something and you won't be critisized for it. Is that too much to ask for,then? I don't like this place. There are too many rules and regulations I have to follow. I'm sick of it. I know a lot of people out there will be thinking " This girl is crazy, she's safe, her country is peaceful, she's able to get an education..." But what if I don't want all this...I'd trade my place with someone else. I want to try some thing new. I feel caged here. Not the type of people stuck in their houses, forced to stay inside. But I want to be elsewhere. Somewhere where saying something odd or absurd is accepted. I don't feel very comfortable saying this in front of all my friends, since I know you guys can read it, but I don't care. I always don't, don't I? Its not because I want to be in another country ( some of my friends would know what I mean) but its the fact that I feel I'm missing something important. Like there's somewhere I'm supposed to be but I'm not there, I'm missing it. It gives me a sick feeling deep down. I've always hated this feeling. Ever since I was really young, like five or six, I used to get this same feeling when I had to be at a party or some gathering thing and I was missing it because of some swimming lessons or studying or something along those lines. And I detested the thought. I had to do everything to get it off my mind. But the feeling's been coming back ten-fold, and I can't stand it. I've already told somebody, it made me feel slightly better, but I can't help it now because sometimes, I find myself unconciously staring off ( its a known habit of mine, but this time I mean it.) and just staring at an object that my mind isn't focusing on. And then my eyes will start stinging and I'll cry for no reason. Its just this weird thing...I feel really depressed, even though I honestly have no idea what I'm depressed over. And, no, I'm not stressed, who in their right mind would be stressed by work or studies during a two-month holiday. Ok, so a few people would, but you get the idea. I just find myself staring out the window...I have a pretty big one, and the view is quite nice...but every time I do so, I feel worse. It makes me sick just looking out, because if I do, I see the horizon of those buildings out there, and although its not the sea, and it's not that beautiful, I get an awful feeling...like I've explained before, its like I belong somewhere else, but I'm not there. I don't belong here. I honestly don't. Its not a matter of fitting in, or belonging someplace, because I have no problems doing that, but I just don't belong here. Its a tough thing to explain. I've been told I'm a very deep thinker, and when I begin to immerse myself in these kind of thoughts, not many people can understand me. But some do, and I have to thank them for that, because they help me through certain situations. But not all situations can be thrown to one side and forgotten or be solved by others. Sometimes I have to do it on my own. Its not like I have a choice - and everybody will have at least one or two scenarios in life where it happens.And it just happens. I'm not making sense to some people, and I have no intention of doing so. I apologise, but it doesn't change anything. I just feel drained nowadays. I can't say I'm putting up a facade anymore, because I'm not, I don't try to hide anything. Sure, there are times when I feel so happy that everything seems perfect, and I'm very grateful for those moments, but nothing lasts forever, and I'm sick of people giving shit excuses and putting their names as something melodramatic and depressing when you can tell they aren't at all. I used to do that, and I admit it, I'm not going to deny anything, but now it just disgusts me when I see all these fake names and "walls" people put up just to get attention. Its exactly the same as drawing up a weak sob story and feeding it to someone to gain sympathy. I'm not going to mention names, but even when I see names with stuff involving love...sorry, but reality check - we're all less that three quarters of a two decades old. What the hell would we know about love?! People twice our age, our even more, are still searching for it, and some of us can come out and pretend that we know every thing about it? What, so a handful of some of us there may have been "dumped" by a significant other or something, but sincerely, one of you wannabes out there, tell me, what do really know about hope, love, death, break-ups, dating, and missing somebody? Okay, so the last category can be counted, but what about the rest? How many people of our age group have literally been dumped before? And the so-called "pain" you get after that? That's going to be nothing compared to the kind of relationship problems most of us will have when we grow older. And the depression stage I'm going through right now will probably be nothing to me in five years, give or take. I'm a hypocrite, and I admit that. But I fully draw the line at a certain stage of pretending, and saying all this will probably not help me, but screw it. I'm sick of this false shit and all the crap people hurl at each other every moment, even if the other party doesn't realise it. Life is just life, and I have to go along with it, but I'm still bitching about everything here. So, excuse me, okay, if a few days later, when I'm feeling happier, I talk to one of you again. I won't be the same person. I change everyday, and a lot of you do too. I'm never going to be the same person twice, and I don't care. I just have to take life as it comes, because no matter what shit I get, its nothing compared to what some people get. I know that some of us may not think the same way, but this is what I feel. I mean, you can be at your lowest, and you can think that nothing is worse than what you're going through at that current period of time, and I've been through that stage and back too, and its hell, but there always will be somebody out there, in the exact same place that you are. They say everybody is unique. Its true, but what some people go through out there, can be exactly the same as what other people may be going through halfway across the globe, or even right next to your door. I'm going too deep into my thinking again, and if I offend everybody with my reasoning, then I sincerely apologise to you in advance. You don't have to read this, and I'm sorry if you did and you're now angry or upset and will probably never speak to me again, but these words are coming from me, not from you, and I can choose to say whatever I wish to say. Nobody has to correct anybody. And I certainly don't have to correct anybody else any longer. I strayed off my original topic, and I know this is a little angsty, and I really am sorry if I have insulted you. I still admit that I do not feel like I belong to this country, and I belong somewhere else... but the problem is I have yet to find the place where I really feel like I belong. Not physically, but more emotionally. I just don't belong here. This phrase is very cliched, but I know if fits the scenario right now. I cry more than three times each day, and its just meaningless crying. I can sit on my chair for a few seconds and tears will already leak out. I know it isn't PMS or whatever, I'm not having mood swings, and no, like I said before, I'm not depressed. I just don't fit in here. This is going to be a very long post...because all the thinking I've been doing for more than a month is just flowing out, and I know a lot of people will think I'm a hypocrite, and I am, you don't have to prove yourself wrong, but this is what I feel, and my thoughts, as I've mentioned before, can run very deep. I know I can be like the rest at times, and I can get very personal and outspoken, that's why I've hurt some people before, but I try not to anymore. The person typing this out will be different from the one going back to school next year who will be happy, as usual, and laughing madly. I can't help it. I cannot be the person I am here. The inner demon I have is serious and hateful, but the person on the other side is the total opposite. Which is why you people may think I am full of bullshit and hypocritical because I do the exact opposite of what I say here, but I'm just divided, and its not something that can be changed or helped.

    Very sorry for being pessimistic. I'm a person based my feelings and moods (as a lot of my friends know). I can be very nice one moment and I can be the evil woman seeking revenge the next. Sorry. -_-

    the beauty exposed ;

    Monday, October 23, 2006

    Oh, shit. Don't blame me for swearing. My complete earlier post just got deleted. Damn internet. Anyway...I had been rambling about how bloody boring the holidays were. Honestly, its been so empty that I have even resorted to playing with sparkly dress-up-Barbie games that have annoying phrases like "Lets dress up Barbie!" or "Yay! We're going to the mall!" I felt like smashing her stupid plastic face. It was so disgusting, but I had to do it, because I have absolutely nothing to do. Bloody Battleon is always having a busy server, I'm so sick of Maple and the stupid mushrooms, Runescape is boring and the characters are half-deformed with triangular limbs and faces,and I cannot be bothered to go play CS, it's worse than Maple if you play it by yourself. Honestly, if the government really wanted to help youths, they would make our schools give us slightly more... ENGAGING activities during the holidays instead of eating, sleeping, and surfing the net. There is literally nothing left to do. I can sit here all day and twiddle my thumbs, but that would be just retarded, and I am in the mood of resorting to linking plastic neon-pink and lime-green paper clips to form a chain that would break a Guiness World Record. I have enough time to break more than just one bloody record. I haven't stepped out of the house in four days, and I only change out of my pyjamas to bathe. I feel annoyed, and I have pent-up frustration that cannot be relieved merely by beating up my brother. Its the kind of frustration that you have to take out on people who are super annoying. I need those kind of people right now. I haven't cursed or screamed in a week. And if you think that's a good thing, it isn't, because the first thing I will probably do if I return to school next year is to be in one shit of a grumpy mood and to bitch at every person who even says hi. If I do not get one bloody fricking chance to do something fun, I am going to destroy my room and go on serious mood swings.

    Nicole the person who will be whacked on the head by Zi Ying for waking up later.

    And also the same person who will be enjoying fluffy pancakes before her destruction by the very angry fans of certain boy bands one day.


    the beauty exposed ;