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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Friday, June 23, 2006

    Hi everyone.I couldn't post a lot was on a two
    week holiday.I...can't stand it anymore.Everyone
    expects me to be the mad,crazy girl who seems
    like she's just going to pop her head round the
    corner and laugh insanely.not anymore.I'm sick
    of being the center of everyone's jokes.Well yeah,
    There was a point when something happened,and I
    realised that there was no use in doing what others
    were doing.You know.Like putting on small skirts and
    prancing around,giggling,while with your friends
    or something,either shopping or watching a movie...
    I was enough of all that plastic crap.So I changed.
    I became sort of an outcast.I held to it.I didn't have
    to care about what others thought about me.But...
    recently I realised how awful it is.Not to be an outcast.
    But to those kind of girls,perfect in every way,to others..
    but inside.they're broken.its the worst feeling you could
    possibly have on earth.I'm in no position to comment,
    having never been one of THEM before.But you can
    just imagine it,everyone laughing and giggling happily
    around you,while inside,you feel torn apart.Looking at
    their happy faces can just about make anyone snap.
    Which is close to the thing that happened to me.I wasn't
    popular...but there was a stage when I just couldn't take it
    anymore.Everyone seemed so damn happy...and so...
    I just felt worse.After reading some of my friend's blogs...
    I realised that sometimes,people just need to be alone.
    To lock themselves in their rooms,to throw everything around,
    to cry to themselves.Sometimes the best thing to do is just that.
    But some people just DON'T get it.They burst into your
    quiet sanctuary,probing you with questions even when you
    just don't even feel like speaking.And then there are those who
    insist on telling you to GET OVER IT.I hate it when people do
    that.It makes me feel even worse.For example...you fail a major
    exam.And people around you,who have obviously gotten better
    marks,judging by their behaviour,pat you on the back and tell you
    that its okay and that you'll do better next time...those are the words
    that make me feel awful.You can tell they don't mean it.They're
    oviously more caught up in screaming their happiness to their
    other friends instead of truly comforting you with honest words,
    instead of fake ones.They think that you'll feel better,they'll
    tell you to smile,get over it...but they just don't understand.
    They may have never even been in the same position before.
    Yeah,so they may tell you that,"Oh,don't worry.try harder next time.
    It's what I did before.And look,I'm doing better now."That is the worst
    of all.It makes you feel so degraded.Just because you've been in
    the same predicament...doesn't mean you feel the same way,
    You're not the same person.And it sucks when these kind of fake
    smiles and remarks pop out.The only thing to do,at that point,
    is to keep quiet,plaster on a fake smile,and excuse yourself...
    giving yourself time to run off into a secluded corner to just
    sob your heart out.Which is why,those who understand,the
    people who truly,understand you,they'll tell everyone to just
    go away,leave her alone.Those are the best friends you'll
    probably ever have,So I'd like to thank you all.But from now on.
    I'm not going to keep smiling and laughing everyday.I'm sick
    of living a lie.Speech is silver...while silence...is golden.

    the beauty exposed ;

    Friday, June 02, 2006

    oh well.the holidays have been..
    interesting.so far.at least i think so.
    oh.bite me.the holidays have sucked.
    the hours have been slowly inching by.
    that's nothing bloody worth doing.
    i'm so friggin bored i am willing to do work!!
    ugh.okay.so there's some consolation of
    some sort on wednesdays and thursdays
    now.singapore idol.but then again.its only
    consolation for an hour.which means sixty
    minutes.which equals to three thousand
    and sixty seconds.it isn't that bad.i think.
    at this point.i am pissed off.sorry about
    my language.pay no heed.cause i am
    pissed beyond words.and when people are
    pissed beyond words...-ah,you know what
    happens.anyway,i'm voting for paul.
    and maybe jonathan.cause i like paul's
    hair...yupp.did you know that *******is angry
    at me just because i said something
    slightly wrong?and i don't even know
    what i said to make her mad.which makes
    me mad,in turn.its one whole vicious cycle.
    *******too.she's angry at me.think i have a
    small clue of what i said that made them
    "angry".i think they thought i said that
    shawn lee and joshua ang looked nice.
    i mean come on.they're okay.only okay.
    don't you get the bloody idea?i was
    talking about my friend the other day,dammit!
    not those two!you guys know i don't like them.
    not that much,anyway.not unlike you two.
    the both of you have no bloody right to say that
    you own them and all that crap.and to say that
    i was "stealing" them-oh just f*** off,okay?
    this is what the i was pissed off with.two

    people who act so bloody bimbotic and say
    that two teen stars "belong"to them and not to
    steal them.for goodness sake.wake up and
    smell the damn fresh air.
    first of all:they don't bloody belong to you.
    second:are you their mothers?!
    third:you have no freaking right to control what I say.
    you're not my mom.
    fourth: what makes you think I was even talking about
    fifth:just get lost.i don't feel like even looking at your
    puffed faces in school.
    i think i've vented enough already.
    my blog is probably gonna be filled with hate messages
    from you two and from your class.
    as if i care.
    look.i have NICE friends in that class.i don't want to
    criticise them.but you-have crossed the line.
    this is final.let me tell you something.
    everyone hates your class.
    you laugh like stupid giggling...people when
    male teachers come to make announcements.
    for the love of-look.they're humans too.not aliens.
    you guys have some problem with people.
    no communication skills.
    its like.revenge of the bimbos.
    ok.you guys are stupid and bimbotic.to put it
    nicely.i tried to use a euphism.no can do.
    there's no word in the world that can describe
    my pure hatred for your class right now.
    i like...around seven people in your class.
    roughly.but as for the rest.i can't seem the
    find anything worthwhile to talk about.
    cause you guys,to put it nicely,
    and this,is my final comment.

    the beauty exposed ;