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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Friday, August 11, 2006

    Ah.The lizard is gone.Ehehe.Don't mind me,please.Oh yes.I remembered the whole controversial issue about the Miss Universe Pageant.Okay.I have a few things to say about this.Stop critisizing her.Cut her some slack,will you?After all,even if she DID wear such a revealing dress for the evening gown section,she carried it off with poise and grace.How many people in Singapore would be able to carry such a dress off in front of worldwide audiences,no less? Less than a thousand in this small island,I can safely proclaim this.Yet they insist on insulting her idea.Did anyone ask her WHY she chose that dress before jumping to conclusions?No,apparently.Certain Singaporeans just have no proper manners.Would anyone like it if they were approached about something one day and scolded and insulted for something they did without getting a chance to explain themselves to the accuser?Obviously not,right?...you have to give it to her.She was brave enough to showcase that internationally.So next time if you insist on "venting your anger" about the "slutty" dress Miss Singapore wore during any pageant,or even for anything else,not just concerning models and pageants,find out WHY first.

    Next topic: I think by this sentence,I would have angered about...3 million bloggers and caused them to swear and curse at me in front of their laptops and computer screens,right? Oh well.Such is life.This is supposed to be a free world.Freedom of speech is ALLOWED.As long as it is not insulting or vulgar. Key word for some bloggers out there,is INSULTING.Ah.Oops.I just realised in writing this topic that I could possibly be giving others the image that SCGS girls are opinionated,egoistic,bimbotic freaks.News flash: We're not. We just want to give our views on the outside world.After all,we're all going to be in that world,aren't we? So why not give us a chance to speak what we think now rather than bombard angry thoughts and frustrations at everyone and anything 20 years later? The earlier the better.

    Oh yes.I absolutely detest people cutting their words to shortforms like "euu" to replace "you" and using double 'i's to replace single i's,for example, information with iinformation. I think that's just really lame.Its like...you're totally modifying the English language into some weird alien Singlish language that shouldn't even by used,cause almost everybody NOT from Singapore wouldn't understand it,and they'd create notions about how primitive Singapore is,and how backward we are,and all that crap,and we'd be looked down upon.

    Just imagine, the teenagers hanging out at the arcades and at internet cafes playing Counter Strike or World Of Warcraft becoming cabinet ministers and even the President one day.What do you think Singapore will be like? Our whole country and our history that we've built up so far would be thrown down the drains,and we'd be shunned by the outside world.Imagine future architects and Members of The Parliament using words like "euu" in the National Day Message or used to address those from other countries wanting to place investments here.

    What do you think they'd do? They'd probably tell you to forget it.And they'd probably invest in some other country.And slowly,Singapore would rot away,to be forgotten and lost to those around the world. In fact, if this frightening future were to continue,if you were to ask someone about an island called Singapore in,maybe 50 years,they'd probably tell you " What's that?"

    Now,you may say that this is impossible,and that this sort of language is only used in things like blogs and text messages,but the more we practise it,the more we'd get used to it.Isn't it better to prevent it now?They always say that prevention is better than cure.

    Indeed,it is.

    the beauty exposed ;

    I am officially at a loss at what to do.The blog is totally ruined.Okay,anyone who sees this and sees how ruined it is,please tell me.When I preview it,its perfectly fine,the way I want it,but when I republish the blog,it turns out horrid.
    My point is..?
    Well,if I can't update this,I will be so upset, because,then I will delete this.Yes,I know. I'm a desperate person.And desperate people,just like me,tend to do things we really don't want to do when we're NOT desperate.Its just a compulsive action,actually. If I recall correctly, I once cut up my whole diary in a fit of anger,one day, and after a few hours,I looked at the remains,and I burst into tears when I realised what I had done.But that was a long time ago, and besides, I was in a rage, not that I was desperate,so let's look for another example.
    Ah.I found one. I so desperate to get hold of an item,which I shall not name,due to copyright laws( totally irrelevant to this topic),and I had promised three classmates something I could not give.And,after the desperation had passed,I realised my awful mistake , but by that time,it was a bit too late,and I had gotten into serious trouble.
    Horrible stupidity on my part.
    ...ah,well.I need a computer whiz to help me.Call the IT girls.Hwa :)
    Actually,I feel depressed when I-wait! I just thought of a PERFECT example.
    Okay,once I was really hurt and upset due to...certain circumstances and arguments between my family and myself,so, in a fit of rather angry desperation, I had wrote rather...awful comments about them on my first blog,then.And one of my friends read it and it kind of spread.So,I had to obviously stop it before it reached one of my other classmates that had parents that knew mine,right?Yeah,obviously,so I had to-wait.Gotta go!!!

    the beauty exposed ;