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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Friday, December 15, 2006

    Today was the 15th of December, right? omgosh. Junsu's birthday~ Yay! Happy Birthday, Junsu oppa! Wooh. He's officially twenty, then. I don't want to be so old. You have to look at the teenagers and wish you could act just as silly xp So anyway, today I went to watch Midnight Sun with Yanny and Zi Ying [ idiot Yanny got the name wrong -.- She told me Midnight Sunshine. Veeeeery funny.] I had originally left the house at 9.20, and was smsing everybody on my phone since I decided I haven't sms-ed anybody for a long time...unless you count the one or two replies to Yumie or something. So...I went to J8...and I was going to get on the train...then this super annoying bunch of girls cut in front of me...and it was so humiliating...there was no space, cause they stole my space, and then I turned to head to the next door, and the fricking door closed on me. I didn't mind that, but the PEOPLE inside were staring at me, and I was about to swear already, but I couldn't do that alone, it would be even more embarassing... so I sat down and I felt bored so I decided to bug Zi Ying...who was only just getting ready... -.- After waiting an eternity...[ bloody hell, this is beginning to sound like a normal blog, weh, not good! xp ] the frickin' train came and I went to Orchard...and I called Zi Ying to bug her again ! (: She was getting fed up, of course...and I saw Yanny...so I hung up...then this blur queen told me I was 10 minutes late...and I was 10 minutes early...and she quickly changed the subject and talked about donating blood -.-
    >> skipping boring stuff <<
    So we went to McDonald's and Yanny was being a freeloader~ [ speaking of which, you guys owe me money for the movie tickets...let me think...do you owe me anything else..?...no...HOI! Come to think of it, you fakey buttfaces! If you could pay for the pretzels AND drinks, why couldn't you pay for your own movie tickets?! >.< ]...so we ate pancakes and we skipped all the way to Singapore Shopping Centre to look for Cool Zone [ I'm exaggerating. We were not skipping, obviously.]...which was freaking closed!!!! ...until 1pm. So we went to Taka first...then after looking for something...some pen nip thingy in Kino...we rushed to Cathay [ I'm exaggerating again ] and we bought tickets to the 1 pm show, and Yanny and Zi Ying, being freeloaders, forced poor Nicole to pay for them...and at first the ticket guy was like " You guys have to be at least 18 to watch this show " and he said it in a serious face, like he believed that we were 18, and that is not true, we DEFINITELY do not look like we're 18 [ especially me! bwahahaha *cough*] and I was silent, and Zi Ying went " Uh...." and the guy looked back down at the screen and said " Wait, you guys want to watch Midnight Sun..." and I was like, almost twitching, but of course, I do not twitch unless the situation calls for it, and the situation was not that desperate, and I am rambling , wtf, and we paid [ I freaking PAID!] for the tickets and we tried sitting down on the high chairs...but we gave up and we decided to head to Lvl 9 first instead of waiting there doing nothing...and I discovered a whole floor of computers...bwahaa...and there was this Frankenstein monster there...it was super big and scary...so the three of us were comtemplating on who to torture by sending them to walk in front of the machine...apparently, if you walk past the sensor, it will move, but the thing was freaking scary, we didn't dare...so Yanny bravely handed her bag to me, and after 5 minutes, she ran across the monster....
    ... but no movement. Our efforts were wasted. T_T

    We went back down to watch the movie...and there was nobody inside the cinema at all [ I highly recommend the movie. Its VERY good and VERY touching and VERY sad.] ...except for two girls...until the movie started, then some people came in, but total, including us, there were only 15 people...aw...but we watched the show...and its FRICKIN' DEPRESSING! Poor Kaoru died in the end T_T I'm spoiling the movie for one person out there who wishes to watch it as revenge. After heading back to the first floor, we spotted a Death Note replica. Wow. So all the way to Singapore Shopping Centre, we were discussing about who to kill off... and at that moment, I read Kristen's christmas letter to me...thank you Kristen, but not a very good idea, baka, because you wrote I like ugly guys, and it just so happens that Yanny likes the same guy, so good luck to you, you're going to be some roast monkey when school re-opens...btw, I know you ain't reading this, but thank you for the stuff...so pretty....stuff... *-*

    omg! Highlight of trip! Not really, the whole thing was FUN but this was just COOL. Cool Zone! OMG! Soooooooo much stuff! I pre-ordered the Super Junior Hanging Calender 2007 Version A. OMG! AMAZING! Wooohooooo....I bought the Orion biscuits DBSK was advertising, three photos, and a poster of DBK! Went away $ 36.90 poorer. What teh heck, it didn't matter, I was VERY VERY happy. After that, we grabbed some pretzels, did Zi Ying's SANA Quiz thingy, and went home~ WAHAHAHA!

    P. S I highly recommend the shop. Its ULTRA cool. (:

    the beauty exposed ;