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    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007

    GAH! We have camp tomorrow. Which I am not looking forward to at ALL!... today was absolutely retarded... we got the class tees, the front has a pair of lips, designed by Jillian and Cheryl, and the back says 2PR07 - PERFECT WITH P.O.I.S.E, also done by Jillian and Cheryl. Which was darn funny; because below 2PR07 there are words that say " If you can read this, you're too close" So we went around, made people stand at a distance, and we said, " No, we're too close" and we would be idiots as usual and laugh. The badminton match was so... interesting. The rivalry was REALLY strong between SC and Raffles, and the minute we stepped into the stadium and we cheered, the bunch of RGS girls' began booing. But you know; some people said they sound like men during their cheer-- their voices are so low and blah blah. HAHAAH! Even Mrs Low made fun of them at assembly. I quote what she said " I heard RGS is sending 2 busloads of people, but we're sending a whole level of supporters." She's so funny in a weird way. But I kinda like her. She seems youthful. Not that Miss Heng wasn't, its just that she's ... different. AHAHA!

    Siew Jia + Melissa Tham + Trisha sabo-ed me... they said, "OK, lets all cheer, 1, 2, 3!..." and silence. And I screamed alone. So everybody laughed. But I laughed too, cause I thought it was really funny...but SC lost in the end. I saw some of the badminton players sitting around the hallways after school, and I saw this Sec 4 girl comforting a Sec 3 player who looked like she was going to cry.

    It was Melissa's last day at SC, ... she's going back to Australia on Saturday... so we all hugged her, and she was gonna cry, and Grace the big eyed dodo bird said " Don't cry, I'll cry too." Its so sad... she's leaving already... but I can still talk to her on MSN. And I am totally converting this blog from a pessimistic suicidal-sounding entry area to a happier one that at least TALKS about normal events that occur everyday. But I don't want it to sound like a totally crap-filled blog that talks about... uhm, ... you know, ... sissy stuff.

    Jang Ri In's birthday's tomorrow... 28th of February, which happens to be the same day my birthday is on. So technically, when she was 3 years old, I was born. HAHAHA! :] I heard she stayed in Singapore for around 6 months [ according to SOMEBODY WHO SITS BEHIND ME, its near a year. WTF. ]. I wonder if I saw her... I wish I did. But then I wouldn't have recognised her back then. :] But; what saddens me is...

    SHE'LL SPEND HER BIRTHDAY reading fan letters and recieving presents and spending time with other SM Entertainment artistes like DBSK! OR SUPER JUNIOR! .... T____T While I, the poor 14 year old all the way in Singapore... in some Serimbun campsite... will be sticking poles into dirt and pitching a tent. Can life be anymore unfair? I think not.

    Word of the week;
    = Grace's new version of Takopachi / Takoyaki.

    WTF! :]

    BTW: I switched from MySpace to Friendster. MySpace has too many Americans. Not that I mind, but its boring. Plus I had nobody to talk to. >_<

    the beauty exposed ;

    Sunday, February 04, 2007

    Uhh,.. lemme do a summary of what happened in January... JANUARY SUCKED! It sucked beyond belief.
    I have 6 top frustrated moments.

    Six frustrated moments.
    Missing the JYP Auditions.
    Missing the JYP Talent Scouts.
    Missing the first SG Asterian meeting.
    When some people annoyed me for days on end in class.
    When the chest pains re-occurred over and over.

    Then again, I also have good moments; such as... ...
    Getting to be with my friends
    Talking in big convos. with the Asteria people.
    Getting my gigantic multiple prezzie Korean birthday gift.
    Laughing with my idiot friends.
    Talking to my friends about K-Pop; especially topics about DBSK, Super Junior, and so on...

    GAH! They don't like SS501. I know a couple of people who like [b]xing[/b], but very few people I know like SS501. WHY!? I LOVE SS501! They're so sexy! Oops. Yeah. Especially my two pillows, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyun Joong. X)

    I know Yunho's fallen sick again. And two days before his birthday. Isn't that sad...?

    ... Sigh... I wish some of my friends would NOT be so persistent in their annoying ways and actions. I'm not going to mention names, but some people I know, as entertaining as it is, just CANNOT be serious for a freaking moment, and that is ANNOYING. Would you guys, if you know who you are, please try to be slightly more serious?? Not TOTALLY irritating and harassing people all the time.

    What the heck. It has come to my attention that--
    ... Its so creepy... there are GHOSTS! And not just GHOSTS, heads of creepy girls... its not SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! I looked at the pictures just now. Its very scary, you know.

    In the pictures, you can see the heads of things from the other realm that are NOT meant to be in the picture. Like in the reflection in the black marble floor, and in a glass strip on the left side of Junsu oppa. Its very creepy.
    I do not wish to post pictures of ghosts in blog, so head over to secretbear's blog if you wanna check it out. Its in her post on the 2nd of Feb. Or something like that. Either that or go to AF Forum or Asteria.

    I know the scariest one, to me, is the picture beside Junsu oppa's head. Its of this girls' head. Its like, just her head. What makes it scary is that its like a girl with long black hair, away from her face, and you can see the features a little, but they aren't totally defined.. but she's got no eyes. Its like, black holes. It just gives me the chills. Its also the most defined "ghost". You can spot her immediately even in the original picture, and that's not even brightened. You can only see the other "creatures" in the brightened picture or the close up shots. Its FREAKING ME OUT!

    But I still AM anticipating the release of the Choosey Lover single. The previews alone are amazing, and the song has something like an 80s' theme, but its very catchy and very mysteriously sexy in a way. Everything's rather black, though. The album cover conveys an absolutely contrasting image from the one given in the audio preview or the MV preview.

    There are a couple of songs I'm listening to right now;

    Unlock { Heavy Metal Edition } - SS501
    In Your Hands - Xing
    In Your Hands - Xing { Kevin's Version }
    Sarang An He { 사랑 안해 }{ I won't love }- Baek Ji Young
    Girls On Top - BoA

    Yeah. I recommend these songs for the moment! (:
    Maaah; even though I'm a big K-Pop fan; I have NEVER listened to Shinhwa. I've never really considered them;... can anybody recommend any songs from them? Thank you! :D

    I remember how I was " crying " to Sansan unni about Sierra unni and her nice yet mean fic with her and Hankyung oppa... she made out with him! T__T That's depressing-- as I said before;
    She stole my FRIED RICE!
    Because! My house is very nice, cause I have my FISHIE { Donghae } ; my two PILLOWS { Park Jung Ming and Kim Hyun Joong } ; my ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM { Jaejoong }; my white teddy bear { Sung Hyung a.k.a Kevin from Xing }; and my BEIJING FRIED RICE, Hankyung. But she stole it! And she also wanted to take my entertainment system. On second thought, she already did. She's the MISTRESS of the Jae Harem! ><;;

    MAAAH, at least I have my fishie, my white teddy bear, and my two pillows; but I'll miss my entertainment system and my fried rice.


    the beauty exposed ;